Thursday, January 26, 2012

Multiple choice question - What does a measure of your cardiorespiratory endurance tell a fitness professional?

A. Your aerobic fitness, or how efficiently your heart is working

B. What type of exercises you've been doing

C. Your anaerobic fitness, or how well your leg and arm muscles work

D. How long you can sustain a weightlifting program.Multiple choice question - What does a measure of your cardiorespiratory endurance tell a fitness professional?The answer is A

Cardio is an aerobic thing, like running. Anaerobic has more to do with muscle and weight lifting, so those other answers are ruled out (c and D). Also it is not B, because you can raise your cardio endurance through a ton of different aerobic workouts (running, walking, swimming, jumping rope... so on) so the fitness professional couldn't pinpoint your exact exercises.Multiple choice question - What does a measure of your cardiorespiratory endurance tell a fitness professional?A. But also sortve D if your talking about a single endurance session. And sortve B...It will tell them if you're cardiovascular system is well trained.Multiple choice question - What does a measure of your cardiorespiratory endurance tell a fitness professional?A

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