Monday, January 30, 2012

I've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?

I'm doing a long walk in 4 months time and I don't want to stop training cause I'll lose the fitness I've built up over the past 6 months. I also have a wedding to attend in 3 weeks and I can't afford to put on any weight before this. So I need to keep exercising at my previous intensity for both these reasons but have hit a wall and don't want to do it. What can I do? How do I get through the mental barrier?I've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?i know of a secret that will give you more energy. Eating raw meat will give your muscles more creatine hydrate, which is used by the body to initiate and continue muscle movement. It doesn't cause health problems at all and is simply a supplement to your natural everyday creatine production, which runs out from time to time when exercising a lot. The creatine you buy in stores is creatine phosphate, which is the solid digestible form that turns into creatine hydrate in stomach acids. look it up in an encyclopedia if you are nervous, but it is a supplement, like vitamins and amino acids, and does not work like DHEA and Anabolic steroids which stimulate cellular division. Again, the creatine in stores is a cleaner way to eat raw meat for the benifits.

Taking it is necessary for atheletes whether they know it or not, because creatine is vaporized easily and is low in cooked meat. animals always seem fine. hope i have helped.I've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?
mix up your routine a little. Do something different that has the same effect, yanno?I've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?I feel exactly the same way at the moment. Maybe you do need to try something completely different or approach what you ususally do it a different way. Music can help maybe.I've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?
Your mind, body, and soul are bored. You need a new routine something fun and that is not too familiar to you. When you have the same routine for weeks and weeks you will adapt. Just make some changes, if you working out 3 days try 5, or 3 and strengthn train 2, maybe dance one day, take an aerobic class, or if you were doing eliptical try treadmill or stairclimber, just change it up and it will re motivate youI've hit a wall with my fitness training. How do I recover without losing fitness?My suggestion would be to mix things up some. Maybe try a stationary bike or circuit train with short spurts of jogging/running/sprinting. Chances are your body has adjusted to what your currently doing and just needs a "shock" to get your metabolism kicking back in.

Good luck!

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